Providing Quality Accounting Services
Meet Our Team
Our staff are members of various professional organisations including Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand (CA), Certified Practising Accountants (CPA) and the Taxation Institute of Australia (TIA).

John N Williams (CA B.Com)
John commenced his career in the public accounting profession in 1983. He is a Chartered Accountant, Fellow of the Taxation Institute of Australia and a Director of the firm. John is also a member of the Tasmanian Civil and Administrative Tribunal (TASCAT) in the Guardianship Stream. He enjoys getting away to his shack on the East Coast of Tasmania and relaxing on or near the water. His sporting interests include bike riding, fishing, bushwalking, tennis and rugby.
Liabillity limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation.

Savva Kaponas (CPA B.Com)
Sav graduated from the University of Tasmania with a Bachelor degree in Commerce in 1999 and is a member of CPA Australia. He has been working for the firm since 2000 and is a Director of the firm. Sav specialises in Self-Managed Superannuation Funds as well as assisting small business clients. In his spare time Sav enjoys spending time with his family, going to the gym and playing soccer for the Olympia Football Club.
Liabillity limited by a scheme approved under professional standards legislation.

Daniel Osuchowski (CPA B.Com)
Daniel started his career with the firm shortly after graduating from the University of Tasmania with a Bachelor of Commerce degree in 1999 and has been a member of CPA Australia since 2005. Daniel works in the taxation and accounting area for a wide range of small business and individual clients. Daniel has a strong interest in rotary engines and his pride and joy is his restored 1980 Mazda 626 which he keeps in immaculate condition. He also enjoys spending time outdoors, whether it be maintaining the garden or with his family exploring Tasmania in their caravan.

Alex Frame (CA B.Bus)
Alex commenced with our team in 2016. He is a member of the Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand and has a Bachelor of Business (University of Tasmania). Alex assists individuals and small business clients with a wide range of business advice and taxation matters. In his spare time Alex enjoys riding his mountain bike, getting outdoors as well as supporting the Melbourne Football Club.

Olivia Toombs (CA B.Bus)
Olivia joined our team in November 2012 and graduated from the University of Tasmania with a Bachelor of Business degree in 2014. She has since become a member of Chartered Accountants Australia and New Zealand. Olivia works with a variety of our clients on accounting and taxation matters. Olivia spends her spare time with her young family and also enjoys playing netball, touch football and reading a good novel.

Ben Smith (CPA B.Com)
Ben joined our team in November 2019 after working for a small firm in Hobart for 9 years. He holds a Bachelor of Commerce from the University of Tasmania and has obtained his CPA accreditation. Ben predominately works with our self-managed superannuation fund clients including taxation, audit and accounting matters. In his spare time Ben plays Tennis, enjoys travelling, watching movies, supporting the Essendon Football Club and is a member of the Hobart Hurricanes.

Pamela Wright
Pamela joined the firm in February 2023 and has a Diploma in Leadership & Management and Certificate IV in Human Resources. Pamela has spent over 20 years in administration roles and assists the office in a wide range of administrative tasks. Pamela enjoys spending time in her garden, going for walks with her dog, Cleo and enjoys making her own soap and natural body products.

Bronagh Campbell
Bronagh joined the firm in August 2023 and graduated with a Bachelor of Business in August 2024. Bronagh enjoys sewing, going to the gym, baking desserts and walking in nature in her free time.

Lachlan Hutton
Lachlan joined the firm in January 2025 and is currently studying a Bachelor of Business (Accounting major) at the University of Tasmania. In his spare time, Lachlan enjoys going to the gym, walking his dog, swimming and watching the NRL. He also appreciates exploring Tasmania’s outdoors, making the most of the natural beauty around him.